Style & Grace



Frequently asked questions

Shipping details

Do you ship worldwide? Yes, we ship worldwide.

Do you ship to the US & Canada (North America)? Yes, we ship and deliver worldwide, including the US & Canada.

Delivery details

How long does shipping take?

The Netherlands: Next day delivery & 1-3 working days.

Belgium: 1-3 working days.

UK: 1-9 working days.

Rest of Europe: 1-9 working days.

USA: 4-9 working days.

UAE: 5-10 working days.

Ghana: 5-10 working days.

Rest of the World: 10-15 working days (may be longer for slow-to-ship countries)

Refund details

Do you accept returns?

All  orders shipped can be returned within 14 days of receipt if they are not personalized or damaged. You can visit the shipping time & return page to read our return policy and return your order.

Canceling order

How can I cancel my order? Once an order is placed, it cannot be modified or canceled. As soon as the item is delivered, you can return it (shipping fees are not compensated by Atarah Chai).